Well it's now September and I have taken a break from treatments for a while. I moved from New Jersey back to Boston so now I have to start the process of finding a new doctor up here. As you can see from the pictures, my tattoo has lightened considerably and I am pleased with its progress. There are a few spots and scars, but overall they kind of blend in. I have had quite a few people ask me recently what the heck was going on with my tattoo, which was to be expected. Random people I first meet ask me if it's a really bad tattoo or am I having it removed. (yes, people really are that bold) There is a section of the outline that has disappeared completely, so it gives me hope that eventually the rest of it will fade s well, with more treatments of course. A worrisome spot is in the center of the triangle on my inner ankle. It scarred considerably and therefore created a blob, as you can see from the picture.
I'll update in the spring, when I decide to continue the process. If you have any questions, please ask. My hope is to make this process easier for others to understand and to help inform people about their options. Thanks for reading....
how much is this costing you, per session?
it's really come a long way.. wow!
Wow, mad props on four treatments. I just had my first one a week ago and it hasn't been fun. Thanks for posting the pics and the blog, makes me feel like my healing process is more normal. Good Luck with the rest of your removal!
hi thanks for posting all this. When are you due for your next treatment?
Got a link to your blog and was very interested to read what you had to say. It is so nice to read about other's personal experiences. May I put a link to my blog here and I will put a link to yours on my blog?
your tattoo process seems to be going great your tattoo looks faded i am getting a huge black tattoo removed from my arm i was wondering when did you start seeing results mine has been 6 days after the laser and its not itching and red does it take months afterward to start seeing the ink fade?
I am regularly updating my blog, if anyone wants to have a look. I thought it might be interesting for anyone getting or considering laser treatment
Personal expression comes in all forms. A major misconception that people believe is that when you get a tattoo, you will love it forever. However, just like the expensive pair of heels you had to have, or that sunroof that now leaks all the time, many people grow weary with their tattoos. Or, even worse, you have someone who is an amateur at the art, and you end up with a tat that doesn’t look good or creates medical issues for you. Some chemical reactions exist between skin and tattoo ink. There can be allergic reactions, scarring, and even phototoxic reactions are possible. A major consequence for these impulsive decisions is the pain and cost of removing the tattoo, or suffering and having it for a lifetime. But, technology has made it possible to correct these “mistakes”. Places like www.NewLookHouston.com have made the process very “user friendly”. They give you a scientific perspective about tattoos. A person no longer has to wear the burdens of impulsive youth, nor the mistakes of inexperienced or inattentive tattoo artists. So, while the smart thing is to research both What you want and Who you want to create your personal masterpiece-at least there are now options to correct the perils of body art! Johnny Depp said, “My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.” Make sure your story is accurately recorded!!
An idea along with bright pigments, anticipation, and discomfort contribute to the tattoo process. Tattoos are permanent, visible statements that can be considered art. However, a poorly executed or no longer meaningful tattoo can make one regret the decision and wonder why he/she got it in the first place. Living in a world where image is everything, laser tattoo removal is the most modern, effective tattoo removal out there that creates an impact. One source of great information about laser tattoo removal is http://www.newlookhouston.com/TattooRemoval.html. Because of this process, people are able to find more job opportunities, which improves their standard of living and provides them benefits. Increased self-image and self-confidence occurs after the process is over and the visual representation of self is greatly reduced or completely gone. No more trying to hide or avoid the sight of that constant visual regret! While this process is meant to minimize damage to the skin and be as painless a possible, it also encourages overall wiser tattoo decision-making. While laser tattoo removal is a wonderful option, its existence has brightened people’s hopes of escaping a lifelong sentence of remorse; it is more costly and time consuming than getting the right tattoo at the beginning. Continuing to shape society with its science, potential, and effects, laser tattoo removal will continue its legacy of developing the least painful, least damaging, and most effective tattoo removal possible.
Laser Tattoo Removal in Bangalore Thanks for sharing valuable information with us. Keep posting!!
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