This was my third treatment I had done at the end of November. The experience was pretty much the same, lots of pain and uncomfort. I had to attend class later that day so I managed to sit through 6 hours of class before I went home, exhausted and slept for the next 15 hours. This laser seemed a lot stronger than the other two and the blisters were huge! That big cluster on the top photo and the center of the triangle on the second photo has scarred a lot and I haven't gone back for another treatment since then. I'm afraid. I have to build up the gusto to get back there for a fourth time.
wow thats crazy i am about to get laser removal in about a week. i didnt know anything like that would happen.. kina scares me. do you know what type of laser was used for your removal?
Tattoo removal Laser is most commonly performed using lasers that react with the ink in the tattoo, and break it down. The broken-down ink is then absorbed by the body, mimicking the natural fading that time or sun exposure would create.
OMG, what's the buzz about those lasers anyway? Here's what rules in our age:
OMG, what's the buzz about those lasers anyway? Here's what rules in our age - a much more convenient way of removing tattoos:
Thanks for this posting!
Nice & very informative blog.
Laseradvantageofec in California offer Concord Tattoo Removal Service.
When tattoos first became popular in The United States they were a symbol of rebellion and of freedom. Decorating ones skin was a way to break through social stigmas and achieve a personal freedom and self-identification that has never before been so prevalent. Unfortunately, as the tattooing trend has grown, people have started to permanently alter their bodies with abandon. Inevitably, this has led many to regret the colored metals, plastics, and dyes they have inserted in their skins. Even tattoos that were once loved change over time. As bodies change the tattoos can stretch. Additionally, the immune system constantly works against foreign objects, so dyes will fade and blur over time. For many their symbols of individual freedoms from social stigmas became a jail. A terrible tattoo was permanent and lifelong; until laser tattoo removal.
Using short bursts of high intensity waves generated by a laser, the components in tattoo inks can be shattered and then absorbed by the skin. By employing specific wavelengths of light in the laser, the specific colors of the tattoo can absorb the light and shatter the dyes without harming the skin. Though the laser reaches high temperatures, the short bursts ensure that surrounding skin will remain undamaged. This does not make the process painless, but momentary discomfort is a small price to pay for freedom. http://www.newlookhouston.com/
The new technologies for tattoo removal have definably improve a significant amount the since the beginning of the century. Nevertheless, having a tattoo remove is extremely painful. New look Laser Tattoo Removal offers a Tattoo Removal Guide (Kennedy, 2015) which was very useful for me to better understand the process of removing a tattoo. It is interesting to see that you are of clear skin color and apparently it is more likely to have people of darker skin color to get blisters. If that happen to you, I don’t want to imagine of people of darker skin color. It will be interesting to know if when the pigments are broken by the laser cause different side effects if they are of different materials and to what extent? The tattoo removal process can take from three to ten treatments depending on the colors used and type of color of skin.
Tattoos are not new, they have been around since 12,000 B.C. in many civilizations across the globe. In the past, tattoos used to represent something where people could be recognize. People tattoo themselves to represent skills, social status and family. These were tattoos that represented individuals all of their lives. Nowadays, people just get butterflies or girlfriend’s and boyfriend’s name. Most of the time people don’t like the same things when they are twenty than when they are forty. Whenever one gets a tattoo is should be something that one can relate all of our lives.
When you have an unwanted tattoo and you get rid the main safe solution for clear this from the skin is the Laser tattoo removal in delhi strategy.
Thanks for sharing such a valuable information it was very helpful
Tattoo Removal Dubai
very interesting blogTattoo Removal in Dubai
Laser Tattoo Removal in Bangalore Laser tattoo removal uses the light energy of the laser to break the tattoo particles in your skin. These broken down particles and absorbed into a system called the lymphatics and removed by your own body. Thanks for sharing valuable information with us. Keep posting!!
Thanks for sharing such a valuable information. We, at Dr. Meet's clinic offers laser tattoo removal in Indore. Do visit the website if interested.
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