....................................... This treatment started much the same but my Dr decided to use a laser; I think it was called the Alexandrite, instead. He wanted to try a laser that had the ability to penetrate deeper than before because it was obvious my outline was A LOT deeper than the shading and we were all concerned it wouldn't lighten. This time they gave me goggles to wear instead of taping my eyes, which really freaked me out the first time. I'm not a fan of getting my eyes taped...
We got started and this laser still felt incredibly painful and sharp, but it didn't have the popping of the last laser. It popped, but not blasting the outer skin, I could actually feel it going deeper. Don't get me wrong, it still hurt like hell and within 1 minute from the start, I was clutching the nurse’s hand and arm and was completely covered in sweat. It's amazing how this treatment works. Once it starts there really is no stopping. I mean we took a few breaks because I felt I would explode if we didn't but stopping it all and coming back next week wasn't an option. We've got nurses, the Dr, the room, laser, etc. Too many people show up to quit and pack it in. I can honestly say that the laser treatment is easily 3 or 4 times MORE painful than getting it done originally. I guess I'd rather be stuck with tiny needles over having layers of my skin zapped with a laser.
By the time we were done I was soaking wet with sweat, shaking from the pain, and crying my eyes out uncontrollably. I'm a mess, for sure. When we finished it looked red and swollen, but only half what it was for the first treatment. They wrapped me up and sent me home to re coop. I felt good when I got home and I can say I could have gone back to work, but of course I chose to take it easy and let the swelling go down first.
The pics of this treatment were taken the next day and they didn't change much through out the healing. No disgusting blisters occurred and nothing besides basic discomfort happened. I will add though, if you get these treatments, be ready for the ITCH! Oh the itch... IT'S UNBELIEVABLE HOW MUCH IT ITCHES!!!
My skin about 2 weeks after each treatment starts to get the itch. You know, the skin is healing after a trauma and it itches to the core of your soul. I got some anti itch cream to lather it up with, but only after the blisters had pass. I scratched and took those boiling hot water showers to help aid the itch but honestly, I think the cream is the best because you don't irritate the skin and give it a better chance to heal.